Items Your Child Needs
A portrait of your child to make their frame for the cubby (4×4 approx.) by the first week.
A complete set of clothes, which should include socks and shoes. (Change according to the weather, please)
If your child is still on diapers, diapers and a whole box of wipes must be kept in his/her cubby. (These items must be checked daily and restocked when needed)
If your child is potty training, please ensure they will have enough extra panties/underwear kept in their cubby. If your child is on diapers/pull-ups as his/her arrival, you must switch them into panties/underwear before you leave. We will do our best to help you with training and would appreciate any tips and information that might help us to facilitate the process.
LUNCH THERMO. You MUST send your child’s lunch in a thermo warmed-up already.
Please make lunch fun & healthy. Remember that they are now in a class environment, and we will encourage children to eat independently. So, make it easy for them to do so.
Always include vegetables or fruit!
No juice, milk, or sweets allowed!
Please avoid any commercial-wrapped food. Use Ziploc or reusable containers instead. (If they are any specific instructions as to whether to heat it or the order in which you would like it to be served, please attach a note to it)
Your child must always keep a blanket, a small pillow, and if they want a stuffed animal (please label all these items). Please wash items periodically.
In the first week, we will be asked to fill out a couple of forms; please do not forget to fill them out and give them to us.
If you have not returned the medical forms, you must do A.S.A.P. (Your child may not attend without these forms)
If there is any crucial information that you should consider that is relevant for us to know, such as allergies or needs of your child, please lets us know as soon as possible.
As your child arrives, you must always sign-up.