Meet our Tias

Tío / Tía translates to “uncle” and “aunt”, and in Spanish, to call someone “tío” or “tía” is a friendly way to refer to close friends. So at Mi Escuelita, we like to say Tia’s not Teachers.

Director Luz, Tia Andrea, and our founder Tia Yvonne.

Tia Yvonne, Founder, and Director

Artist and Educator

Yvonne González grew up in Chile and, at the age of 23, left for New York to invent another life.
After finishing her MFA in Fine Arts at Columbia University, she began working as the head teacher and Director of Thompson Street Playgroup in Soho for ten years.
Working At TSP was an excellent learning experience, teaching alongside many families with artistic /creative backgrounds. This experience motivated her to start MI ESCUELITA in Williamsburg in 2005.
Driven by her experience and creative enthusiasm, she built the most progressive and influential Bilingual Daycare – Preschool in Brooklyn.

“I am an artist and MI ESCUELITA works from there”
– Yvonne Gonzalez